A handy set of links for those researching Universalists.
The Universalist register and almanac
- 1840.
The Universalist Companion, with Almanac and Register
The Universalist Companion, with an Almanac and Register
The Universalist Register
A handy set of links for those researching Universalists.
The Universalist register and almanac
The Universalist Companion, with Almanac and Register
The Universalist Companion, with an Almanac and Register
The Universalist Register
Fun to dig around in. Interesting to note the reported sizes of churches back in 1912, and the long term fates of a number of congregations. Also notes the phenomenon of some Conventions having a “Convention Church” (I’m inferring a collection of isolated members who meet and worship during the state convention).
I wrote about the Convention Churches in 2008: http://revscottwells.com/2008/09/14/the-convention-church/
But would you believe that the reason I looked for the Universalist Registers was to find more of them!