Issues of “The Universalist” online

I’ve fallen down an internet research hole and found 280 complete issues of Chicago-published The Universalist at the Illinois Digital Newspapers Collection, ranging from 1886 to 1887.

Three images of the church with captions

And yes! the preview issue for the 1897 Universalist General Convention, held at Chicago with pictures of St. Paul’s Church, where it was held, and a defense of “the creed,” meaning the Winchester Profession. It was at the 1897 convention that the “Five Points” were proposed, and adopted at the 1899 convention.

One Reply to “Issues of “The Universalist” online”

  1. And some shocking casual racism:

    “The colored race has offered, and is still offering, some very noble specimens of talent. What time may do for them as a whole, may be – as I hope – something very wonderful; but I do not think nature ever intended them, now endowed them, to be the coequals of the Caucasians , or the white races of Europe and Asia.”

    The existence of these kind of attitudes in the historical Universalist Church has been an unsettling discovery for me.

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