As I’m getting back on the (writing) horse, I want to thank the UUpdater, who ran for many years, but who laid down the work late last year.
It’s possible it may come back if someone picks it up — all the tools are there — but it may be better to let it go, even with regrets. It was valuable for lubricating the once vibrant UU blogosphere, but that is only a thin shadow of what was. Even its successor, Facebook groups, seem to have declined without a clear replacement, official, formal or otherwise. Denominational communications were once its lifeblood — to which I add the twice-yearly publication of the UUWorld and a tendency to make General Assembly virtual — and the relative silence should worry anyone concerned about the health of the UUA. I’ll leave that for others to consider.
For now, thanks to the UUpdater for all you accomplished. You deserve thanks and praise.