Last night after midnight, more intellectual property entered the public domain. In the United States, generally speaking these are items published in 1929. As in other years, I will see if there any new Universalist works of interest. (More about that later.) But while looking at the Internet Archive, I see that issues of the main Universalist denominational magazine, variously entitled The Christian Leader or The Universalist Leader were posted there earlier in 2024.
Click here to see the issues from 1926 to 1952. Earlier issues are in the public domain and are available elsewhere, and later issues — leading to the consolidation with the Unitarian Register are available online at the Harvard-Andover Library. I wrote about these in 2023.
The big gain, of course, are the years during the Great Depression and World War Two. These were difficult for the Universalist General Convention/Universalist Church in America, and there is remarkably little online about then. Or there was until now; Universalists communicated policy focus and decisions through these magazines, not to mention the changing tone in theological and social matters. These issues will make an interesting read.
Want to know what else is available to share and reuse freely? See this helpful review at Duke Law’s Center for the Study of the Public Domain.