These are some of my earliest posts, when I only wrote once or twice a week and editing the HTML by hand! Yet there are some enduring bits and pieces . . . .
What to profess?
Monday, May 26th, 2003
I never thought so many people would take an interest in this humble blog. Thank you.
Some of the well-wishing inquiries came with the question, “how do I get one of my own?” I’m not using any web-logging software; just this CSS (thanks, free-of-charge, to Firda Beka at, modified a bit).
Build a Profession, part one
Wednesday, May 28th, 2003
In his Universalist’s Book of Reference (1901 ed., “revised and enlarged”) E. E. Guild was able to identify twelve distinct theological propositions in the Winchester Profession, though I’m not quite as hopeful as he was, neither would I call all twelve essential to Universalism.
The right hand of fellowship
Sunday, June 1st, 2003
This afternoon, after worship is over, I’ll head to the airport and fly to Providence. From there, a car to suburban Boston, to the First Parish Church in Weston where my friend Peter Boullata will be ordained to the Christian ministry. I’ll offer him the right hand of fellowship.
When to wear clericals
Wednesday, June 4th, 2003
Back from Peter Boullata’s ordination, which went well, with a sermon from UUA President Bill Sinkford, a charge from Weston First Parish’s senior minister, Tom Wintle; the imposition of hands, led by WFP’s associate minister, Sue Spencer; and a wonderful choir. May Peter’s years of pastoral ministry be long and prosperous.