If I’m reading the notice correctly, the Unitarian Christian Church of Argentina, in Buenos Aires, will hold its first worship service, for Christmas, at 7:30p.m. on December 29.
From their site, in its entirety:
Culto Navideño – Oración Vespertina
Los invitamos muy cordialmente a participar de nuestro primer culto como congregación cristiana unitaria a llevarse a cabo el próximo martes 29 de Diciembre a las 19:30 hrs en Carlos Calvo 257 (entre Paseo Colón y Balcarce), Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.
A quick Google check shows the address is the Danish Church.
Three random thoughts:
- While I know nothing about the minister — nor does he disclose anything, though customarily we recognize indigenous religious leadership — I have a hard time faulting anyone in Geneva bands.
- Vespers is exactly the kind of worship I’d recommend for a new or small church having a Christmas service. It’s not too long but can scale with the judicious use of music, doesn’t need a sermon, and is less (over)wrought than Lessons and Carols.
- My great-great grandfather was a Calvo, and perhaps a Carlos Calvo, but he was a Spaniard, not an Argentine publisher.
Blessings for them in this work.