Photos from inside First Universalist, Providence

I’ve been to First Universalist Church in Providence a few times over the years, but never so long as over General Assembly, when the church hosted morning prayer and vespers, and the usual Sunday service with a special observance of Holy Communion.

Here are a mix of photos, taken after the services in the sanctuary, lounge and dining room, with a focus on interesing tidbits. You know I’m going to make something of that Universalist Comrades (men’s group) emblem.

Order of Universalist Comrades charter

Cross on pedestal

Sanctuary, from a transcept

Scott Wells
Gratuitous selfie before Sunday service. (I helped distribute communion.)

2014-06-28 17.42.30

2014-06-27 23.20.36

2014-06-27 23.19.18

2014-06-27 18.26.12

Rhode Island Y.P.C.U. banner
Y.P.C.U. is the Young People’s Christian Union

1899 “Five Principles”

2014-06-25 18.27.10