Dan Harper challenged me — I forget if it was on his blog or mine — to name some options to protesting, since I think that most public protest today is ineffective, self-aggrandizing or both.
I mentioned this to John Wonderlich — one of my terribly clever office mates and Program Director of the Open House Project — at a post-work happy hour and he named a few. I didn’t blog on it then since I was maintaining a strict day job/blog divide. John, however, broadened the theme and posted it on his work blog. Some of his suggestions will come naturally to politically trained citizens. One in particular was new to me:
Comment on pending federal regulations. This is public, it’s online, and it’s underappreciated. Comments that disagree with immanent regulations don’t go without effect; future agencies will have more cover to overturn existing regulations given previous commentary.
Makes me think of where to comment first.