I love my employer, the Sunlight Foundation, and I bet a bunch of my dear readers would, too. It’s a nonpartisan nonprofit organization that “uses cutting-edge technology and ideas to make government transparent and accountable.” Think of the intersection of unknown campaign money and political influence, for example. Or government data made less useful because it’s not in a computer-readable format, or is squired behind a paywall. Here’s a fun and insightful project. And here’s a free tool for your phone. (Android and iPhone; check your store/market.) And here’s a big bunch of data for developers to use. And there’s much more.
Sunlight has been given a major partnership investment. With that money comes a challenge to get quite a number of small donors before the end of the year. A dollar or two (or a bit more if you like) to show your interest.
Please give here (Amazon checkout) or here (Google checkout) or send a check to
1818 N St NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20036
I would appreciate it much.